Healthy, Healthier

Healthy Healthier

Consumers are well-informed about the healthiness of ingredients. 6 out of 10 consumers seek healthier alternatives of the food they eat, obviously without giving in on taste. They understand that grains & seeds, fiber, wholegrain & fruits are power ingredients that can contribute to a better health. On the other hand, they are also looking to reduce to amount of sugar, fat & salt in their diets. Puratos offers a range of solution that enable to improve the nutritional profile of your product.

Healthier Products
Tegral Satin CL WG Crème Cake
A convenient clean(er) label complete mix for moist whole grain crème cakes, with excellent carrying properties for inclusions.
Best Bagel Improver
An improver specifically formulated for the production of bagels.
Easy Soft'r Potato Roll
A base for the production of potato rolls.
Pan De Muerto
A convenient mix with an intense sweet & orange taste, and a premium texture at competitive cost.
A complete mix for authentic sweet dough pastries such as danishes, hojaldres and cuernos.
Yeast Donut
A full convenience base for yeast raised donut making.
Soft'r Intens Short
Module that provides a short bite and reduces the toughness/chewyness of baked products. Particulary recommended in flat breads and in microwaved products.
Tegral Sweet Dough Mix
A complete mix for danish and sweet dough.
Tegral Crème Cake
Value crème cake option, good for muffins, loaf cakes and bundt cakes
Softgrain 5
Add taste and freshness to your breads with Softgrain: wholegrains and seeds soaked in sourdough. Ready and easy to use.
Easy Soft’r YR Donut
A base for yeast raised donuts with superior volume, low fat absorption and extended shelf life.
Tegral CL Wholegrain A/P Cookie
A cleaner label but convenient and versatile cookie base used for the production of whole grain cookie varieties.
Tegral Chocolate Cake Donut
A complete mix for tender chocolate cake donuts.
Tegral British Scone Mix
A complete mix for authentic English scones and other sweet goods.
A starch-based greasing product for perfect release of all confectionery goods.
Soft'r Blue Acti-Plus No ADA
An all purpose improver for soft breads and rolls; formulated to bring freshness, shelf life, volume and tolerance; specifically formulated for industrial environments.
US 500 Controller
A complete dough conditioner and bread improver for yeast doughs.
Ambiante Whippable Topping
A sweet whippable topping, easy to sculpt, pipe, smoothen and designed for long lasting stability within cake decoration and fillings. 100% Plant-based.
Cremfil Ultim Dark Belgian Chocolate
A rich dark chocolate filling made with Belgian Chocolate. This filling helps preserve freshness and reduce fat.
Intens Puraslim Improver
Intens Puraslim is an enzyme-based improver that reduces up to 50% fat in soft and sweet bread recipes.
Tegral Steamed Cake Donut
A cake donut that is steamed instead of fried.

Get Inspired

How can Puratos help you to improve front-of-pack nutrition labels for sweet baked goods?

How can Puratos help you to improve front-of-pack nutrition labels for sweet baked goods?

Discover how Puratos can help you to improve the Front-of-Pack labelling of your products to fulfil consumers' demand for more nutritionally balanced products

Responsible indulgence

Responsible indulgence

The trend of healthy food was set-in long before anyone had heard of Covid-19, but the pandemic worked as a global accelerator for this trend and it has caused some interesting shifts in the health expectations of consumers.

Reducing sugar without compromising on taste

Reducing sugar without compromising on taste

Before we start reducing the sugar, we have to carefully consider how to compensate for these effects with another approach or ingredient.

Less fat.  Fewer calories.  Same indulgence.

Less fat. Fewer calories. Same indulgence.

Puratos clean(er) label fat reduction solutions help to make healthier sweet baked goods with no compromise on indulgence

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