An ADA-free base for the production of sub-rolls, hoagies, heroes, specifically recommended where tolerance, machine-ability and volume are required.
Kosher Parve
Puratos offers a range of bread bases and mixes to let you easily create bread products that are consistent in flavor and textue in order to meet consumer preference and demand.
Customer advantages
Convenient - less scaling and less need for skilled labor
Consistent - constant output and less fluctuations in the recipe
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An ADA-free base for the production of sub-rolls, hoagies, heroes, specifically recommended where tolerance, machine-ability and volume are required.
Kosher Parve
Puratos offers a range of bread bases and mixes to let you easily create bread products that are consistent in flavor and textue in order to meet consumer preference and demand.
Customer advantages
Convenient - less scaling and less need for skilled labor
Consistent - constant output and less fluctuations in the recipe
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